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Breaking the Gatekeeper Model: How soonami Democratizes Venture Building

March 6, 2025
Christian Sauer

Venture capital has long operated as one of the world's most exclusive clubs. Despite the rise of crowdfunding and alternative financing, early-stage investment remains largely controlled by a small network of decision-makers operating on highly subjective criteria.

During a recent investor meeting in Singapore, I witnessed something that perfectly illustrates this problem. A brilliant project founder with significant technical achievements was dismissed within minutes - not because of his project's merits, but because he lacked the "right" educational credentials. This scene plays out countless times across the globe, with groundbreaking innovations going unfunded simply because their creators don't fit traditional investor profiles.

Ivy league founders and employees of GAFA corporations get high amounts of funding while a good founder without these credentials lacks support in the trad VC world. An academic career does in our opinion not necessarily identify the best founder. We believe it is all about execution ability and a founder mindset. Often prior corporate careers rather contradict a founder's character.

Even more troubling is what I call the "warm introduction paradox." A prominent VC firm recently revealed that all their deals come through personal introductions. Consider the implications: potentially revolutionary projects are evaluated not on their merits, but on whether their founders happen to know the right people.

This system isn't just unfair - it's inefficient at a global scale.

The Metrics That Matter

What makes this tradition particularly frustrating in the crypto space is how it contradicts the core promise of blockchain technology. In a world where code is open source and performance can be measured transparently, why do we still rely on subjective assessments and personal networks?

Venture Staking fundamentally reimagines this dynamic. Rather than trying to guess which teams might succeed based on their backgrounds or connections, this model creates objective parameters for participation. When investors stake assets rather than purchase equity, the focus shifts from "who you know" to "what value can you create over time."

This transformation extends beyond just access. Traditional VC operates largely as a black box - founders receive funds and report back periodically through curated updates. In contrast, the staking mechanism creates continuous, transparent feedback loops. Every participant can observe key metrics: stake amounts, yield generation, project milestones, and token distribution. This transparency doesn't just benefit investors - it gives projects clear market signals about their direction.

Breaking Geographic Barriers

Perhaps the most profound impact of this model is its ability to transcend geographic limitations. A founder in Lagos or Lima no longer needs to somehow network their way into Sand Hill Road. If their project demonstrates value, they can attract stake-based support from anywhere in the world.

I recently encountered a fascinating example of this potential. A development team spread across Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia had built a promising DeFi protocol. Under traditional VC models, their geographic distribution would have been seen as a liability. Through Venture Staking, it became an advantage - demonstrating their ability to operate effectively across borders.

Authenticity Through Alignment

The staking mechanism also solves another persistent challenge in early-stage investment: the alignment of incentives. Traditional equity investment can create adversarial relationships, with investors pushing for quick exits while founders focus on long-term development. When support comes through staking rather than direct investment, both parties naturally align around sustainable growth.

Of course, this new model comes with its own challenges. Projects must learn to operate under heightened transparency. Investors must develop new frameworks for evaluation. Communities must actively participate in governance and development.

Yet these challenges are precisely what make the model powerful. They push all participants toward better practices: more transparent operations, more objective evaluations, and more active community involvement.

Looking Forward

We stand at the beginning of a fundamental shift in how innovation is funded and supported. The exclusive networks and subjective assessments of traditional VC are giving way to transparent, merit-based systems enabled by blockchain technology.

To those who believe the current system works well enough, I pose this question: how many world-changing innovations have we missed because their creators didn't fit the traditional mold? How many problems remain unsolved because the people who understand them best couldn't access the capital to build solutions?

Through Venture Staking, we're not just creating a new investment model - we're expanding the very definition of who can participate in shaping our technological future. The next breakthrough idea shouldn't depend on knowing the right people. It should succeed on its merits, supported by those who recognize its potential, regardless of where they are or who they know.

The gatekeepers' era is ending. Are you ready to embrace what comes next?

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