
Your venturethon help
Project mentorship is the key that unlocks the door to a world of possibilities in your project's future
Mark Findlater Photo
Provides mentorship and insights on web3 and blockchain technologies, product development, information security and virtual reality
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Mark Findlater
Foundance Chief Technology Officer
Jan Bohl Photo
An angel investor in web3 and health tech, Jan shares his expertise in finance, strategy, growth and fundraising with participants
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Jan Bohl
CFO at Ableton AG
David is currently Managing Partner at Dracoon Ventures and a Venture Partner at Greenfield Capital. With Dracoon Ventures, David is currently raising a Web3 Game Fund (Preseed & Seed opportunities)
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Dr. David An
Managing Partner, Dracoon Ventures
Lena Hierzi Photo
Lena is interested in bringing the ethical discourse to computer science, interdisciplinary study programs, blockchain and software development
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Lena Hierzi
Developer Relations, Celo Foundation
Parry is a Web3 Consultant + Creative Directory. He's the former Head of Strategic Execution at StackOS.
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Parry Sondhi
Web3 Consultant
Hira is the CEO of Plurality Network, a project aiming to add social context layer to web3 to enable personalized user experiences.
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Hira Siddiqui
Co-Founder & CEO, Plurality Network
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Shivank Kapur
DevRel, RouterProtocol
He's a fullstack Web3 Developer
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Pranav Verma
DevRel, RouterProtocol
Standup Programmer building on Aptos, MOI, Router Protocol Blockchains
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Harsh Soni
Standup Programmer
Pareen Lathia Photo
Provides mentorship in the areas of web3 technologies, community building, marketing, women empowerment and social impact.
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Pareen Lathia
Co-Founder, Builders Tribe
A creative entrepreneur, he provides mentorship on web3 strategy, brand awareness, product design and adoption
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Parry Sondhi
Head, Strategic Execution, StackOS
He's a serial entrepreneur based out of Miami, FL with a proven track record in eCommerce, SaaS and Blockchain
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Joe Casanova
CEO, Furlough

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Our Past Contributors

From all soonami cohorts!
Eman Herawy Photo
Eman Herawy
Blockchain developer
Co-Founder, NoonDAO
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Uttam Singh Photo
Uttam Singh
Blockchain Educator
DevRel, Flare Network
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Pareen Lathia Photo
Pareen Lathia
Co-Founder, Builders Tribe
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Parry Sondhi
Head, Strategic Execution, StackOS
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Joe Casanova
CEO, Furlough
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