soonami's $SNI token is launching Q2 2025. Join the Waitlist


soonami Venturethon is a 10-day startup launchpad. Whatever life stage you may be in, we can help you level up your entrepreneurship game. It’s the first step to cohort 7, through which you could be eligible to $125k of funding through the soonami ecosystem
Find All Events: HERE

Kick Off and Hacking Week
2 May - 11 May
2 May: Official Kickoff
2 May - 11 May: Building Week
2 May - 11 May: Daily Check-ins
11 May - Submission
Test Pitches & Demo Week
15 May - 16 May
15 May: Test pitches event 16 May: Demo Day
Introduction to Cohort & Goal Setting
20 May - 30 May
20 May: First Meetup with Cohort 7
Cohort Workshops
3 June - 1 July
3 June: Product and MVP Workshop
10 June: Marketing Workshop
17 June: Funding Workshop
24 June: Pitching Workshop
1 July: Legal QnA Session
Demo Day (Investors)
22 July
22 July: Demo Day (Showcase of final pitches and product demos to investors and stakeholders)