Why we embrace Web3 at soonami.io
Web1 was about infrastructure and basic protocols like TCP/IP, FTP, SMTP, and HTTP. Companies like AOL, Netscape, and Yahoo were among the leading contributors. Web2 was about tools that changed the world. The ability to have every resource in the world at our fingertips. The Brockhaus was not killed by Wikipedia, it was killed by Google. Facebook is a social network with three billion people connected through instant messaging. On Amazon, products are just one click away. Web2 will keep being part of our daily life but perhaps the time for its biggest innovations has passed.
So what is Web3 all about? The technology behind Web3 - the Blockchain, enables the next major shift in the digital industry. It is a global technology without borders and limitations. Blockchain allows us to store and access value, rights, and information and connect these via smart contracts. A permissionless world lets everybody with a smartphone contribute. Google, Facebook, and Amazon are centralistic giants who explore human anger and data for profit, offering free products, because it is their value-maximizing strategy. They are building a logistical super chain from every corner of the world to your home, destroying valuable and fair competition. Because, in the end, the winner takes it all. Disruption of many industries is yet to come. Let's ask ourselves. What kind of society do we want to live in? Shouldn't giant monopolies with a societal impact be governed by everyone?
In Web3 everybody can participate, there is no gateway, no hierarchy, and no borders. There is no central entity allowing access. You download a wallet and you receive currency and tokens. In Web2 we were the product, in Web3 we own the product. Tokens are tradeable 24/7, holding value and voting rights in decentralized autonomous organizations. Services in Web3 are available without human control. Decentralized protocols like Bitcoin don´t need a CEO and they still can serve a community. Sure we need rules and regulations and the industry needs to pay taxes. But the regulation needs to be written with the world of 2030 in mind: where a majority of the people live in a fully digital society, leading a prosperous life in an economically stable environment. We want to support this technology and help the world understand that Crypto is not only about fast profits, it’s about our future as world citizens. Soonami will provide ideas and teams for services within the blockchain ecosystem. We want to provide tools for people to take part in this revolution. We want to embrace the future, its challenges, and its opportunities. Come and join us!